Requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices

Good Manufacturing Practices
Cosmetics Industries

Requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices

Understanding and Implementing the Requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices Certification Standard for Cosmetic Products: 

            In this article, QSE Academy explains the opportunities, effects, and challenges for the production, storage, control, and shipment of safe cosmetic products.

We hope your company will be able to understand ISO 22716:2007 standard on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for cosmetic products.

Firstly, the standard intends to promote the understanding of GMP across the whole cosmetics product supply chain.

Next, it aims to detail the statutory precursors to the standard’s development.

Lastly, this report gives a resource for organizations interested in supporting their businesses at a local or global level by implementing the standard’s specific requirements.

Executive Summary

In a nutshell, ISO 22716 was created to respond to updated cosmetics regulations.

Suppliers, regulators, and manufacturers are often concerned about the safety of cosmetic products.

Over the years, several regional and international standards have been generated to boost the quality and safety of cosmetic products. In many instances, standards specifically address requirements for manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, and wholesalers.

As a result, the International Standardization Organisation (ISO) published new guidance on the safe manufacturing of cosmetic products under a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regime.

The development of ISO 22716 was in response to the updated EU Cosmetics Regulation. Additionally, the guidance has direct links to many other current cosmetic regulations across the world.

Furthermore, regulators in several nations have applied ISO 22716. This effectually substituted prevailing standards and guidance.

ISO 22716 gives a comprehensive approach for a Quality Management System for those engaged in the manufacturing, testing, packaging, storage, and transportation of cosmetic products.

It has a basis in other quality management systems. Likewise, it makes sure there’s a smooth integration with the likes of ISO 9001 or the British Retail Consortium (BRC) standard for consumer products.

Therefore, ISO 22716 combines the benefits of GMP. It connects cosmetic product safety with overall business improvement tools.

Finally, ISO 22716 allows organizations to meet global consumer demand for cosmetic product safety certification.

Through the help of consultants from QSE Academy, implementing the requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices certification standard for cosmetic products is now easier.

Global Cosmetic Products Safety

Understanding global cosmetics product safety is an essential factor in implementing ISO 22716.

QSE Academy has also prepared packages to further assist your organization’s process after reading this guide.

The Problem with Global Cosmetics

            Manufacturers and retailers are keen on improving the level of quality in their supply chain.

The recent growth of extended and complex global supply chains, combined with the lack of proper control and oversight, has caused concerns over quality and safety even more serious.

Consumers are becoming more concerned about the safety of the cosmetic products they are buying and using. Fears of poisoned or tainted cosmetics that can cause dermatitis and allergies have been constant in recent years.

Ingredients used in cosmetics, such as preservatives and fragrances, can prompt an allergic reaction.

They play a crucial role in cosmetic products. Hence, correct dosing of substances is essential to prevent skin irritation through over-exposure.

Over-exposure to preservatives has been observed in historic cases, one example being mercury-tainted beauty creams. There were reports of excessive amounts of mercury, with poisoned customers showing evident toxic neurological symptoms.

The Origins of a Global Standard

The incidents mentioned above have affected the public. Thus, it forced regulators to take action to ensure consumer safety.

For instance, manufacturers have to follow pre-defined and approved product specifications. There’s also systematic guidance on the organization of the manufacturing and distribution supply chains.

As a result, manufacturers and retailers are encouraged to address deficiencies in their supply chains. Consequently, several quality standards have been proposed to assist in ensuring cosmetic product safety across the world.

The introduction of ISO 22716 signifies a major step in the awareness of a globally recognized standard for cosmetic product safety.

The ISO Technical Committee (TC) 217 Working Group (WG) 6 between 2002 and 2006 prepared this standard. Then, the final document was published in November 2007.

This resulted in a global, auditable standard that identifies the requirements for cosmetic products safety management systems. This is done by incorporating the elements of GMP and risk assessment, with the addition of a comprehensive Quality Management System.

The ISO 22716 and International Regulations

Several global regulatory bodies have approved and accepted the content of ISO 22716:2007 Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products.

For instance, the International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR), which is a joint effort by the USA, Canada, Japan, and the European Union, decided in July 2008 to implement ISO 22716 in their respective regions, wherever applicable.

ICCR regulators have decided to act accordingly. For example, it was proposed in the USA that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) amend its existing guidance.

On the other hand, the EU is modifying its prevailing European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) standard to integrate the ISO 22716 standard.

Meanwhile, the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) has embraced ISO 22716. It also advised government regulators to act accordingly.

Lastly, the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) agreed to recognize ISO 22716 as equivalent to the ASEAN Cosmetic GMP guideline.

Each of these regions has its regulations that must be followed for any cosmetic products being brought to the market. Guidelines are generated from these regulations.

GMP is referred to within the regulations of each nation. Yet, it remains a crucial element to fulfilling the requirements throughout.

 The EC Cosmetics Regulation 1123/2009

ISO 22716 involves several aspects your organization must first understand before implementing it.

It involves challenges, opportunities, and effects for the production, storage, control, and shipment of safe cosmetic products.


ISO 22716

The EU has recently reviewed its cosmetics regulation. Afterward, it published the revised edition in December 2009 in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The whole regulation came into effect in July 2013, with some elements at earlier dates.

Consequently, the European Community has presented a coordinated regulatory framework. The laws of each of the respective countries must be following the regulation. This also includes any relevant guidance or standards impacting the cosmetics industry.

This requirement applies to any cosmetics manufacturers outside the European Union that want to import products into nations within the region.

Moreover, the regulation has been put in place so that the cosmetics industry is using uniform terminology, as well as common procedures, across the EU.

Benefits and Effects

The framework outlines stronger in-market controls. It aims to guarantee a higher level of protection of human health.

It emphasizes simplification, reduced red tape, and better administration. It also contains a new approach covering uniform standards across the EU, including the Good Manufacturing Practice.

This encompasses general standards for sampling and analytical methods. Cosmetic products must be safe when applied in normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.

All common standards, including the ISO 22716, targets putting procedures in place that allow manufacturers to achieve this safety goal.

The significance of ISO 22716 for those organizations that need to follow GMP has been stressed by EU publication 2011/C 123/04 from April 2011.

The regulations outline the differences between the manufacturer, distributor, and importer. There’s an emphasis on a ‘responsible person’ that ensures compliance with all safety and labeling requirements, including notification obligations and corrective measures.

The ‘responsible person’ can be the manufacturer, distributor, or importer as long as that party has a registered office within the EU, which is detailed on the cosmetic’s packaging.

Each responsible person must have a full Product Information File readily available to public authorities. This imposes greater responsibility on the manufacturer in regards to the ingredients and make-up of each cosmetics product.

The regulations state that sampling and analysis of cosmetics products during the manufacturing process must be done in a standardized and reproducible manner. This aims to ensure the control of all restricted substances as detailed within the Product Information File.

This applies both within the market and within companies. A Europe-wide notification process for all cosmetics products, which is a prerequisite before market entry, is also in the course of being introduced.

This replaces any existing notification arrangements within the individual nations of the region.

Safety is paramount to every implementation of global standards. Thus, QSE Academy ensured our packages are in line with the safety regulations discussed in ISO 22716.

 US Cosmetics Regulations

The United States obliges that any cosmetics confirm with the ‘Cosmetics Safety Amendments Act of 2012’.

This legislation was introduced to fortify and update the previous Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (March 2005) and the Fair Packaging and Labelling Act (August 1992). Thus, giving the Food & Drug Administration a greater role in assessing the safety of personal care products.

With the 2012 regulation, all US manufacturing marketing products must register facilities. They must also file and report on their cosmetics ingredients. Lastly, they need to prepare adverse event reporting.

Transparency is observed when these are followed. As a result, it provides the FDA with a formal process through which to review ingredients for safety and demand safety levels for impurities.

Furthermore, it achieves national uniformity for cosmetics regulations. Part of this comes from setting industry-wide GMP.

Likewise, it ensures the application of the best processes to engage the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel of scientific and medical experts in assessing cosmetic ingredient safety.

Finally, the 2012 regulation required a new set of Good Manufacturing Practice requirements to be drafted. These molded the basis for the June 2013 GMP requirements for manufacturers in the US.

 Canadian Cosmetics Regulations

          ISO 22716 GMP certification standard for cosmetic products entails several essential factors your organization must comprehend before implementation.

This covers different regulations coming from several countries across the world.

For this part, we’re going to briefly explain the firm evidence of safety and exacting labeling that are crucial to the requirements.

The Canadian regulations relating to Cosmetics (C.R.C, c.869) form part of Canada’s Food & Drugs Act.

Note that there are no updates in the circulation despite being stated as the current one.

This encompasses cosmetics that are manufactured and sold within Canada. This also covers imported goods, both of which must follow regulations and the Act.

Inspectors accomplish responsibilities according to the regulations. Because of it, there’s an assurance that cosmetics on the market are not illegal in any way.           The inspector can carry out strict requirements relating to the sampling. This also includes what is required should a cosmetic product be made available for sale.

When it comes to US and EU regulations, evidence of safety and exacting labeling is central to the requirements.

Here are the crucial processes a manufacturer must observe the following Canadian Cosmetics Regulations:

  • Submit in writing the proof establishing the safety of a cosmetic under the recommended or normal conditions of use. This should be at any time requested by the Department of Justice.
  • The manufacturer is no longer allowed to sell the product if it cannot supply evidence when requested to do so.
  • A notification is required within the first 10 days that a product is brought to market. The manufacturer, importer, or an alternative specified person must sign it.
  • The required complete information, as well as detailed regulations, must be provided to the Department of Justice.
  • Under ICCR, it was decided to implement ISO 22716 as guidance documentation for the cosmetics product industry.

As you can see, regulations and requirements differ from country to country. Therefore, your organization must understand matters like this to be able to thrive in the global cosmetic product market.

Japanese Cosmetics Regulations

If you aren’t familiar with the Asian cosmetics product landscape, now is the time to catch up.

Don’t worry, you’re in the right place to gain valuable information about the Japanese cosmetics regulations concerning ISO 22716 GMP certification standard.

First things first, keep in mind that the pre-approval of cosmetics is not required in Japan.

However, this is only applicable if the negative list system and the full ingredients labeling system requirements are fulfilled.

The Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Act of 1948 and all its succeeding revisions contain articles that regulate cosmetics products.

Japan isolates cosmetics from quasi-drugs, which Canada, the US, and the EU would still consider under the heading of cosmetics.

Quasi-drugs are products that have a mild effect on the body, which falls between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. As a result, Japanese Law obliges them to be treated otherwise.

The law in Japan was relaxed in April 2001. Since then, the pre-approval of cosmetics being taken to the market has not been needed if they meet the negative list system requirements and the full ingredients labeling system.

Furthermore, notification is enough in cases like these. Both imported and products manufactured in Japan must be fully notified before they reach the market.

Yet, this does not apply to products that are quasi-drugs. The same goes for those that do not achieve the full labeling specifications.

The prefectural government accomplishes the assessment and granting any cosmetic that calls for authorization.

Companies manufacturing cosmetics have to meet specific safety and quality criteria. Besides, an appropriately skilled workforce must support this. Note that this is detailed in the regulations for any cosmetics product on the market.

Under the International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR), it was decided that the ISO 22716 document would be used as GMP guidance for the cosmetics industry. As such, Japan follows this standard.

While ISO 22716 drives opportunities, there are still impacts and challenges your organization must be prepared to face.

Korean Cosmetics Regulations

ISO 22716 GMP certification standard for cosmetic products is a global matter. While some manufacturers enter the American and European markets, other businesses are exploring the Asian market as well.

But when it comes to Korean cosmetics regulations, your company must know that manufacturers must check the cosmetic ingredients database for forbidden substances.

Quick Recap on ISO 22716 GMP Certification Standard

  • Basically about the safe production, storage, control, and shipment of cosmetic products.
  • ISO 22716 was created in response to updated regulations in the cosmetics industry.
  • Manufacturers and retailers want to enhance the level of quality in their supply chains.
  • The International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR) agreed to implement ISO 22716.
  • A ‘responsible person’ ensures compliance with all safety and labeling requirements.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) holds responsibility for the cosmetics and personal care sector under several directives.

The MFDS takes control of a product’s risk profile, label information, and test methods. Similarly, it is involved in the hazardous substance criteria and manufacturing sites’ GMP qualification.

Moreover, product launches must be registered. Meanwhile, manufacturers need to be aware of the Cosmetic Ingredient Database for prohibited substances.

Additional testing is required in substances not stated in this database. For instance, mutagenicity testing and toxicology testing.

Note that all products are registered. Additionally, product performance has to be reported to the MFDS every year.

The Korean MFDS Cosmetics GMP is benchmarked against ISO 22716. While adherence to ISO 22716 is not compulsory across all products, it’s expected to be in the foreseeable future.

This aims to support the recognition of the standard of Korean manufactured products within other markets.

Taiwanese Cosmetics Regulations

          When it comes to implementing ISO 22716, your company must first understand the Good Manufacturing Practices certification standard for the cosmetics product industry.

There are different regulations per region your organization must also consider. For instance, certification against the cosmetic GMP standard is voluntary in Taiwan.

On the other hand, the pre-approval of cosmetics is not necessary for Japan unless the full ingredients labeling system requirements and the negative list system are fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the Korean cosmetics regulations state that manufacturers should check the cosmetic ingredients database for prohibited substances.

The government body accountable for cosmetics regulation is the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA).

What your organization must remember is that certification against the Cosmetic GMP standard in Taiwan is voluntary. Besides, ISO 22716 served as the basis.

So far, the TFDA has assessed and awarded certificates to 34 factories.

The TFDA is planning to create a Product Information File (PIF) and registration platform. It is also preparing to develop coverage for the CNS 22716 standard.

Lastly, the TFDA is aiming to generate a cosmetics GMP program, which will serve as an obligatory scheme for manufacturers.

While there are current regulations your organization must keep in mind, there are possible ones that you can get involved with. Hence, your organization must continuously keep up with the ISO 22716 standard.

 The Components of ISO 22716

                 To give you a recap, ISO 22716 delivers production, control, storage, and shipment quality guidelines for safe cosmetic products.

Furthermore, ISO 22715 covers all facets of the supply chain of cosmetic products. It involves the early delivery of raw materials and components, as well as shipment of the final product to the customer.

The guidelines support organizations that want to follow advice to manage their human, administrative, technical sections, which are all impacting product quality.

Good Manufacturing Practices follow the sound scientific judgment principles and risk assessment to produce products that fulfill defined characteristics.

ISO 22716 Scope

ISO 22716 gives guidelines for the quality and safety aspects of cosmetic products.

As a result, suppliers of cosmetic ingredients and manufacturers of cosmetic final products are affected.

Likewise, the standard is significant for wholesalers, retailers, and brand holders of cosmetic products determined to boost the quality performance of their third-party suppliers.

Additionally, it identifies the general requirements for quality management systems by integrating a risk assessment based approach. This is to define critical and non-critical elements. Hence, guaranteeing high-quality supply chain operations.

Consistent Terminology

The ISO 22716 terms and definitions section is comprised of 36 definitions that are specific to their application.

This aims to reach and preserve consistency. Also, to encourage the use of common terminology.

The rationale behind the definition section gives clearness of terminology and stimulates the use of a common language.


The Cosmetics Quality Management System and Organisation

The cosmetics GMP quality management organization focuses on creating and sustaining a qualified personnel base. This well-trained personnel base should be capable of unfailingly manufacturing safe products.

A sound knowledge personnel base in a cosmetics manufacturing organization is of paramount significance. Similarly, this area is getting serious attention to quality guidance.

  • A clear description of the tasks and responsibilities of all personnel.
  • Developing operational internal and external communication channels to guarantee the commitment and participation of personnel.

Note that a controlled documentation system is a fundamental part of organizations working under ISO 22716.

Thus, all aspects of the quality organization must be recognized in formal writing.

Premises and Equipment

ISO 22716 well describes another key element—proper design of areas for manufacturing, quality control, and storage.

This ensures all areas are fit for their purpose and work accordingly for proper access and flow of materials.

It is crucial to establish a clear separation of manufacturing and storage activities, cleaning, and sanitization to prevent any contamination and mix-ups.

An organization must conduct scheduled maintenance of premises and equipment, as well as frequent calibration of monitoring devices. This aims to ensure tasks are performed as per defined and pre-set parameters of manufacturing, packaging, and storage.

The organization’s quality unit must be involved to approve and analyze all changes. An objective overview of the results obtained is also needed.

Product Realisation and Materials Management

An organization working under ISO 22716 must set criteria for quality during various manufacturing stages. This includes specifications for purchased raw materials and packaging materials.

It must form the criteria for:

  • In-process checks and parameters of starting materials;
  • Intermediates or cosmetic ingredients;
  • Finished products.

An organization must follow these characteristics. Besides, there must be a clear description of the quality status of these materials during the entire supply chain of operations.

The Quality Unit must be fully integrated into an organization’s operational activities. It helps the unit accomplish responsibilities such as applying changes in the quality status of starting materials and intermediate products.

Likewise, it is vital that contractors, as well as third-party transporters and packaging units, are involved in the quality efforts.

Deviations, Complaints, and Recalls

Deviations may happen internally and externally. For example, during transportation to a customer organization.

Therefore, an organization must have a system that will deal with deviations in the supply chain of operations.

Customer organizations must have the capacity to raise complaints, whenever necessary.

On the other hand, an organization working under an ISO 22716 quality regime must probe these complaints. Also, an acceptable solution should be relayed to the customer.

Similarly, an organization must coordinate a recall of products if a deviation is leading to a serious threat to health and safety.

ISO 22716

Continuous Improvement

Good Manufacturing Practices is a quality system that uses state-of-the-art organizational aspects significant for the cosmetics industry.

Therefore, organizations must be mindful of the current practices in their field. This includes aiming for constant quality improvement in their operations and throughout their supply chain.

This can be accomplished using an auditing process. An internal audit document evaluates, resolves, and prevents non-conformities.

An optimal auditing system is a basis for an effective Corrective Action / Preventive Action (CAPA) planning.


  • Create and document the independence of the quality unit from the manufacturing and operations unit.

An organization’s quality unit must be independent of the manufacturing and operations units in making decisions.

This can be determined through an organizational chart wherein both the operations/manufacturing units and the quality unit report to the site’s senior management.

Thus, the senior management must sign and date the unique organizational chart.

These aspects must also be properly noted:

  1. Respective managers must sign and publish individual job descriptions of the Head of Manufacturing/Operations and Head of Quality.
  2. The job description of the Head of Quality must encompass distinct references to the responsibilities and authority of quality issues:

– release product;

– move product to a different quality status;

– deviation and investigation;

– change control;

– internal audit among other responsibilities.

  • Do not exclusively base on commercial terms the criteria for the selection of suppliers of components, raw materials, and packaging materials.

Under a GMP regime, the selection of suppliers must be accomplished following an organization’s written and approved procedures. This is also after pre-defined quality guidance.

Moreover, a once approved supplier cannot change on financial terms, yet requires to go through a similar qualification.

An organization must have a written, controlled, and quality-approved list of suppliers and vendors.

  • Define the responsibilities of all personnel for quality and manufacturing.

The organization’s management should support and boost the qualification for GMP.

Generally, this is done by setting quality KPIs that are recurrently revised and updated.

Note that management review is an occurring activity in GMP compliant facilities.

  1. Demonstration of the commitment from management that they are serious in improving the organization’s quality behavior.
  2. Clear identification of responsibilities for all personnel, including job descriptions.
  3. Encouragement of personnel to report abnormalities from normal processing.
  • Organize appropriate assessments and audits of suppliers and sub-contractors.

An organization working under GMP following ISO 22716 should have a sub-contractor or vendor qualification program.

This qualification process includes a sub-contractor or a vendor’s initial qualification to collect a list of approved vendors and sub-contractors.

It requires an organization to re-assess their subcontractors and vendors.

Based on risk assessment, this can lead to performing regular audits or remote controls of third parties.

Lastly, the organization working under ISO 22716 needs to present an apt risk-based approach for its third-party qualification program.

  • Define and write down the method of re-processing.

When a regular and distinct system does not produce the projected outcome, organizations may conduct re-processing.

Re-processing may cover manufacturing, storage, packaging, and transportation. However, predefined and pre-established steps must follow them.

For instance, an organization working under ISO 22716 must define the suitable steps to take before applying for re-processing.

Thus, the organization has to establish benchmarks for when to allow re-processing.

Last but not least, pre-defined and pre-established steps must be outlined in controlled and documented procedures. Also, the actual re-processing steps must be followed in Batch Manufacturing Records.

The components of ISO 22716 seem overwhelming. In reality, this can be simplified through toolkits specifically designed to accomplish every core element.

Hence, QSE Academy created a series of articles you can review to understand ISO 22716. We’ve also developed packages and trained ISO consultants to help you accomplish quality guidelines for safe cosmetic products.

Understanding and Implementing the Requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices Certification Standard for Cosmetic Products


          We’ve come a long way since introducing ISO 22716 to your organization. QSE Academy created a series of articles to explain regulations and components involved in the standard.

Now, we’re focusing on why ISO 22716 is a global solution to guarantee the safety of cosmetic products on the market.

QSE Academy also prepared toolkits you can check to maximize the benefits we are going to briefly discuss.

The Rewards of ISO 22716

ISO 22716 is a wide-ranging cosmetic safety management system standard. As a result, it delivers the following advantages:

  • Convenient application in organizations of all sizes and levels of complexity.
  • Integration of the usual requirements for product and process quality Good Manufacturing Practices requirements with other quality guidance. For instance, prerequisites for ISO 9001.
  • Promoting legal compliance as implemented by regulators across the world.
  • Forming a globally accepted basis for safety and quality compliance in the supply chain of cosmetic products.
  • Decreasing and controlling hazards associated with cosmetic products.
  • Encouraging unceasing development throughout the supply chain.

If your organization is integrating good manufacturing Practices requirements with other quality guidance such as ISO 9001, then implementing ISO 22716 is the best way to start.

Using toolkits from QSE Academy, your company can profit from the quality and safety systems covered by ISO 22716.

Understanding and Implementing the Requirements of the ISO 22716 Good Manufacturing Practices Certification Standard for Cosmetic Products: Audits Against Customer-Specific Criteria

          ISO 22716 tackles international laws for cosmetics good manufacturing practices.

          Hence, your organization can conduct audits against specific, customized criteria for all sectors within the global supply chain to validate your capacity to meet the following:

  • Quality standards
  • Consumer safety standards
  • Environmental standards
  • Occupational health and safety standards
  • Social responsibility and/or legal requirements

For the concluding part of our series about ISO 22716, QSE Academy details what the audits against customer-specific criteria cover.

Scope of the ISO 22716 Audit

  • Supplier/Co-packer/Vendor/Licensee Assessments

Monitoring the adherence of suppliers, co-packers, vendors, and licensees to the requirements of your organization proves that products are meeting consumer safety, quality, occupational and/or social responsibility, and environmental requirements.

As a result, your organization gains the ability to preserve company values and brand equity throughout the supply chain.

  • Auditing Against an Organisation’s Code of Practice

This is accomplished by checking the obedience of an organization’s network with the procedures and values determined in its Code of Practice.

Thus, your organization can guarantee the brand is protected while practices remain consistent throughout its network.

ISO 22716 Auditing Process

Second-party audit programs are designed to fulfill your organization’s requirements. A program normally involves these steps:

  • Agree on Auditing Requirement and Contract

First, your organization must define an audit program.

Doing so transforms an organization’s needs into a checklist of criteria. The level of control your organization wishes to have internally and over partners should be the basis of the checklist.

This includes evaluating opportunities to nurture the constant improvement of systems. Also, it boosts the performance criteria to better meet the requirements of customers.

  • Conduct the Audit

Performing the audit could be completed onsite or offsite.

Note that this is based on the agreed audit requirements found in step 1. Therefore, auditors must adhere to the audit protocol.

  • Issue an Audit Report

Upon the conclusion of the audit, create and submit an audit report.

This is for technical review and approval before sending it to all relevant parties, as per contractual requirements.

  • Monitor Audits

Conduct ongoing monitoring audits as per the agreement.


Summing Up ISO 22716

ISO 22716 delivers rewards such as:

  • Merging business processes and business management tools to produce quality cosmetics.
  • Meeting increasing international customer and legal requirements for safe cosmetic products.

Furthermore, ISO 22716 addresses and response to international laws for cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice.

This globally recognized standard has earned support across the world through the International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR) regions of Canada, Japan, the US, and the European Union.

Likewise, ISO 22716 obliges organizations to establish their processes. Not only that, it urges organizations to exhibit reliable control over identified hazards.

Consequently, organizations are modernizing and refining systems to adapt to changes in processes.

If your organization wants to gain real value regardless of complexity and size, ISO 22716 is a cost-effective solution.

     Take the first step now by obtaining toolkits from QSE Academy that is being used by ISO 22716 compliant organizations across the world.

Let QSE Academy help your organization work through the playing field levels for suppliers and customers throughout the supply chain.

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Requirements of ISO 22716

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